Coursework, notes, and progress while attending NYU's Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP)

NYC Garbage Distribution and Disposal

Link to map.

Data Sources

I used this GeoJSON of NYC Community Districts and Joint Interest Areas from I did not include “Joint Interest Areas, a/k/a JIAs, are public parks, waterways, major governmental installations and similar land uses which are not located within bounding community districts. Examples are Central Park, Van Cortlandt Park, LaGuardia and JFK Airports” and these areas did not have DSNY collection data.

I also included NYC borough geographic data, to include outlines of these areas, and state geographic data for New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Virginia, Kentucky, and South Carolina, so it would be more apparent which states had markers when the map was zoomed out.

Collection and Disposal Network data are from the NYC Department of Sanitation, released through NYC Open Data, last updated in February 2016. When I found this map from the Newton Creek Alliance, I figured transfer stations and disposal centers were different language for different centers, but I’m actually not sure. For the purposes of my map, I aggregated Tonnage Collection data from the district-month level to the district-level for 2015. I used Mimi’s code for adding these data to the community-district geojson.

I attempted to verify as many landfill/disposal locations as possible based on this list which was the most up-to-date of two lists I found, the other being from 2002. Based on the broad distribution discovered by the MIT trash tracker project, I suspect it is an incomplete list. After googling to find company websites and for all the addresses, I found one case of duplicates, and a few cases where I think the location listed on google or the website was the company’s office rather than the landfill itself. I included these for now anyway, since I think they are still demonstrative of the distance NYC trash is transported.

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